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Whilst vehicle insurance is well known for providing one-size-fits-all policies, there are many reasons why a standard car insurance policy just isn’t enough for a 4×4 vehicle, one of which is the driver’s love of off-roading!

We’d always recommend getting specialist insurance for your 4×4 if you plan to drive off-road. Here we explain why as well as unveil the best 4×4 insurance provider in the industry.

Why does a specialist policy make sense?

4×4 car insurance is one of the many non-standard, specialist insurance policies available to UK drivers. For owners of large 4x4s, SUVs or pickup trucks, a specialist insurance policy of this type could provide coverage that goes beyond the standard motor insurance allowing you to insure driving activities in off-road destinations as well as on green lanes.

There’s another popular 4×4 activity that is covered by these specialist insurance policies too as MoneyBeach details:

“Towing is usually covered as standard by 4×4 insurance, but it’s a good idea to confirm this if this is something you regularly use your 4×4 for. Towing restrictions according to weight, apply depending on when you gained your driving licence.”

If you use your 4×4 vehicle to participate in competitions, you will also need specialist insurance to provide coverage for these events.

My 4×4 is modified, do I need specialist insurance?

In short, yes, modified 4×4 insurance is essential. There are many upgrades 4×4 owners choose to make to improve performance, comfort and safety when driving on the road and off. These include the addition of Safari Snorkels, winches, heavy-duty brakes, air compressors, roll bars, and rooftop tents.

Any modification which is not installed as standard by the manufacturer needs to be covered just like any other part of your 4×4 vehicle, whether it is used on occasion or as part of your everyday setup.

For heavily modified vehicles, choosing an agreed value policy is advisable. An agreed value policy will provide coverage up to a specific value instead of simply insure the market value of the vehicle when a claim is made.

Are specialist 4×4 policies more expensive?

Whether opting for a standard or non-standard insurance product, it will be generally more expensive to insure a 4×4.

4×4 vehicles have large engines, enhanced power and greater value. They’re also heavier, more attractive to thieves, and their parts more expensive to replace or fix. As a result, 4x4s are often found in higher insurance groups than many other vehicles, which makes any vehicle insurance a little pricier.

The presence of modifications doesn’t necessarily inflate this premium, however. Whilst some modifications will of course increase the price of your 4×4 insurance, others – including those that boost security such as the fitting of immobilisers, trackers or alarm systems – can reduce your premium.

Where can I find the best 4×4 insurance?

As a leading provider of 4×4 upgrades, we have an in-depth knowledge of all things 4×4. Based on our understanding and the experiences of our customers, we’d recommend choosing Brentacre for specialist 4×4 insurance.

With more than 30 years of experience providing automotive insurance, Brentacre has quite the reputation for specialist cover. Their 4×4 insurance is used to cover everything from ex-military 4x4s to imported, luxury and highly modified 4WD vehicles. The insurer also covers green laning, selected modifications, and main or occasional use as standard via their comprehensive or limited mileage policies.

Image: Vera Petrunina /