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Driving around the great outdoors can be quite a task, especially when you’re planning a long trip. Some of us like to mix some camping in with our trips, turning those long trips into grand expeditions; this is when you need an awning.

Awnings are a great way for you to both travel and rest within the wilderness, allowing you to stop and take in those amazing vistas. Rainy day? Why not wait out the weather under an easy-to-set-up cover! Windy? Perhaps a wind break is in order.

The fact of the matter is, you’re going to be lost without one of these to help you rest up on long journeys. Let us tell you why the ARB awnings are a good choice for this situation

Different Sizes, For All Adventurers

The ARB awnings come in 3 different sizes, which is great if you make your trips either by yourself or in a group.

You can order 1.25-metre, 2-metre, and 2.5-metre awnings, so there is plenty of choice for space. Satisfied with a chair and a book as you appreciate the nice vista? 1.25-metre might be best for you. Wanna crack out the table and relax for a while? Those larger options are still available.

A nice bonus for the two larger-sized awnings? You can order versions that come with their own LED lighting, so there’s no need to invest in new lights or gear to amp up that space; it’s all done for you!

Treat Yourself to an Upgrade

We’ve already mentioned the wind breaks you can add to your awning, but there’s more you might want to hear about!

Feeling like taking your camping experience up a level? The deluxe awnings are just a step above the rest, offering great durability and a bespoke aluminium case.

These rooms are another great way to enhance your long-haul camping experience. They attach to the channels on your awning, giving you a perfect and easy way to customize your off-road camping experience.

Whichever way you slice it, awnings are a great option for all of your pit-stop needs on the road. Not only are they going to protect you from the elements, and provide a great place to perform some maintenance, but the high customizability of these products for camping and living is superb. 

Got some questions about the awnings we sell? Or perhaps you’re looking to grab some of those upgrades we mentioned? Give us a call on 01223 927200 and we can give you a hand.